Why does it hurt behind under the ribs?

Obscure pain in the area of the ribs and back can unbalance anyone. A twinge of pain – is not a reason for panic, and the possibility of resolving their diseases. Pain is a signal that you need to take some measures. In the most common cases of pain in the area of the ribs and back are quite certain causes.

cause of backache and ribs

Group of diseases in which the pain under the ribs

It is possible to highlight some of the major diseases:

  • Digestive diseases – pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas, cholecystitis, diseases of the spleen;
  • Injuries injuries and rib fractures, disruption of the spleen;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system – pleurisy, pneumonia;
  • Urolithiasis, first of all, renal colic;
  • Low back pain and hernia;
  • Diseases of the peripheral nerves – neuralgia intercostal, and autonomic disorders, in which the pain is around the whole surface of the back.

Not worth the effort to try to understand the cause from the slightest survey of the rear back enough 2-3 hours.

Pain for the digestive disorders are always associated with a margin of error in nutrition and exacerbation of chronic diseases results in offseason. Classic moment of pain cholecystitis – after 2-4 hours after a large meal, when for the breakdown of the food bolus require enzymes and digestive juices.

The pain in the back with pancreatitis which is very strong, "epidemic of daggers", more on the left ribs, an attack can last for up to two days. Causes the aggravation of fatty foods, especially in combination with alcohol.

Ribs hurt and back wheel drive capsules, the spleen, this happens in diseases of the blood, chronic indolent infections, sepsis, processes autoimmune. The pain in the area of the ribs with the intake of food is not almost alien.

Injury in which the back pain

The most dangerous injury of the spleen and liver, their breakage. These organs parenchyma, composed of actively functioning tissue, which is limited by the capsule.

The parenchyma – tissue, the main organ that performs the same function. Thus, the parenchyma of the liver consists of hepatocytes.

For a structure of this fabric is soft, very few support elements. Withstand the mechanical stresses of the parenchyma may not. When the rupture of the capsule cells "fail". Such interruptions are dangerous in massive loss of blood, because the blood vessels in the parenchyma literally everywhere.

If the impact or injury in the area of the ribs of man necessarily send him to the hospital and discharged from there only when it detects no sign of internal bleeding.

Dangerous even hematoma, retroperitoneal space, where the back pain from behind. This happens when a trauma to the kidney and the adrenal, and 12 duodenal ulcer. Concerned not only with the pain under the ribs in the back from behind, but also a serious weakness, accompanied by a drop in blood pressure.

With respect to the rupture of the liver or of the spleen, fracture of the ribs – where it is less risk. Just need to make sure that the workpiece has not passed through the pleural cavity.

The Pleura and kidney

The pain in the back and ribs can be kept dry and pleurisy, when the sheets of the pleura are rubbing against one another. This is possible if a job is running tuberculous processes in the lungs. This pain intensifies during the whole movement, coughing or sneezing. Also concerned with the lack of breath, and in the nasolabial triangle appears blue.

When all the pain in the chest or back, it is advisable to perform an ECG to exclude myocardial infarction.

Rasciesa the pain in the back and the ribs the case of early discharge of substances from the urinary tract. Particularly difficult to start urate – stones, composed of potassium and sodium salts of uric acid. To say remember the beans. Have a awesome size, very dense. The ureter will need to fund expansion, to skip this stone.

treatment back

Oxalates are less dense, small, easily crumbled, but hurt on his way to the inner part of the urinary tract, necessarily causing inflammation.

Neurological causes

Is a variety of infringement of the nerve roots that exit the spinal cord. The back can be damaged as the hernia, be compressed into a channel of the bone, muscle, a piece of vertebra, chord, arc, spinal. The pain in the back and ribs, and very strong, sometimes it is not possible not even breathe.

A great nuisance – neuralgia intercostal, burning pain pervades every breath I hurt all areas of the back and chest. This disease is a common complication of degenerative processes, flowing in the spine and not only. Promote the development of metabolic disorder, carriers of the virus, endocrine diseases and disorders of the heart rhythm or myocardial contractility, when the tissues do not receive enough nutrition and oxygen.

It is not yet clear the mechanism of development of vegetative infringements, in which waves change physiological parameters (frequency of breathing, heart rate and blood pressure), and accompanied the migratory pains of the back and ribs.